Get ready for the hottest summer EVER:
Get ready for the hottest summer EVER: Sydney to be HIT by heatwaves and bushfires with a sweltering start to December Australia will experience a hotter and drier start to December than average NSW will be plagued by fast spreading and out-of-control bushfires The whole country is at higher risk of potentially deadly blazes Heatwaves […]
Winter – Get Agressive!

Ok so I hate to sound like a broken 33 vinyl, but WOW! Eight consecutive days in the mid to high thirties!!?? In March? Seriously? OK Ok ok ‘Leary-vent’ over – Thanks for listening. April MUST see temperatures drop away – If they don’t I will look at getting a soap-box and standing down outside […]
Weather forecast: Up and down and all over the place.
Well we predicted Weather-God tomfoolery in February and that is exactly what we got. Hottest day in Melbourne – 38.7 degrees. Coldest day in Melbourne – 18.2 degrees. Hottest night in Melbourne – 22.2 degrees. Coldest night in Melbourne – 5.0 degrees. Nothing like keeping it real with a bit of temperature spontaneity right!? Ugggghhhh… […]
“How about this HEAT!?”

‘…I walk around in the summer time saying “How about this heat?”…’ Happens to be a line in an incredibly ‘not-politically-correct’ Dennis Leary track from 1993. Who knew back then, that we ALL would be quoting him 20 years later! Victoria got hit hard in a record heat wave but Sydney took out the choccies […]
Whoooooooooo – HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Unreal – 2013 is here – What lies ahead? Economic Growth? Housing price hike? Retail Sector slump? Ashes? Lions? Tennis? F1? AFL flag? One thing is for sure, only a select few of us can directly impact or control the outcome of any of these events. What we can control is our own internal environment! […]