Your home is your environment and where you will spend the majority of your life, as such it is essential that you maintain a premium level of indoor air quality for you and your family. Poorly maintained heating and cooking appliances are a primary cause in the increased ‘sick-home’ syndrome that attacks us particularly in the colder months.
Don’t risk your families safety and health this winter, get a winter healthy home check today.
Some of the general health issues that can be attributed to ‘sick-home’ syndrome are:
More specifically and alarmingly, inefficient and un-serviced gas appliances may be the cause of Carbon Monoxide exposure – The Silent Killer. Every gas appliance must be maintained.
Often mistaken for cold and/ or flu symptoms:
Dependent on age, existing personal health, CO emission strength and exposure time frame:
Please do not risk it. Have your gas heater or appliance serviced every 18-24months in line with Energy Safe Victoria recommendations.
Call the Team at HeatCool today on (03) 9797 0505 and ensure your environment is as safe and healthy as possible.
It’s your environment, protect it.